Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cognos - Google Map Report with Distance Calculation and Direction Tracking

In this example, we are going to create a Cognos report with Google maps which shows the distance between the two markers and also the route and direction between the two markers.

  1. Take the example which we previously did.
  2. Declare the below variables:

  3. var isCreateHeadPoint = true;
    var headMarker, tailMarker;
  4. Add the below line in the LoadMapGadget() function.

  5. gdirection = new GDirections(map, document.getElementById("directions"));
  6. Add the below lines to the GEvent.addListener of ShowAddress()

  7. if (isCreateHeadPoint) {
              //add the head marker
              headMarker = marker;
              isCreateHeadPoint = false;
             //add the tail marker
             tailMarker = marker;
             isCreateHeadPoint = true;
             // create a path from head to tail
             gdirection.load("from:" + headMarker.getPoint().lat()+ ", " +headMarker.getPoint().lng() +" to:" + tailMarker.getPoint().lat() + "," + tailMarker.getPoint().lng(), {preserveViewport:true});
  8. Add a row in the table.
  9. Add a html item in the last row.
    • Source Type : Text
    • Set the text to the following.

    • <div id="directions" style="width: 275px"></div>
  10. Save and run the report.
  11. To find the route and directions, click on any two markers.
Report Page

Report Output


  1. This tool can be used to find the distance calculator between two named points on a map. You can decide which two points to measure and then find out the distance calculator.

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